Wednesday, 11 March 2015

“How can I make your day better?”

“How can I make your day better?”

We hear a lot  about divorces, separation and broken relationships among married people these days. Reports about lack of faithfulness in marital relationships among the spouses are on the increase. Further modern concepts about personal freedom and financial independence have tempted life partners to make decisions based on selfish motives. This has affected the traditional value system associated with the marriage relationship where personal sufferings for the benefit of family is also important. Family being the cornerstone of Christian society care has to be taken to nurture the family bond.

Life partners are not perfect couples in all respects. There may be shortcomings in their personalities. In the early state of married life one will see only the positive shades of the partner's personality. However day by day partners are revealed. As years pass by it becomes difficult for many to adjust with their life partner. Life become miserable such that one will see only the negative side of his or her partner.Lack of patience among the couples make situations further worse. At times life partners may remark "I am fed up". Partners become cold in their relationships loosing all warmth and affection.

Renowned author of Christmas Box and the Michael Vey series (USA), Richard Paul Evans  in his blog 'How I saved my marriage' shares about the troubled days of his married life and how he has struggled to save his married life through self understanding and mutual respect. In one of his troubled days he experiences the loving provenience of God which enlightens him that  he cannot change his partner  but he can change himself. This brings a tremendous change in his attitude towards his partner. Everyday morning he began to ask his partner :"How can I make your day better?"Though initially his wife did not respond positively later she was moved by her partner's ingenuity and openness. Then onwards there occurs a marked change in their life...Read :   How I Saved My Marriage By: Richard Paul Evans

An anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one's companion is very much important in one's married life. One cannot change his or her partner but he or she can change his or her attitude. This is can work miracles in ones relationship with his or her partner. A gentle remark "How can I help you to make your day better" with a genuine heart can solve all indifferences and hatred. It tends to accept one's partner with all the short comings and heals all the wounds with the touch of genuine love and care.

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