Thursday, 29 March 2018

New Pesaha: Rememberance of Kenotic Love of Jesus

We are into the Holy week remembering the Passion, Death and resurrectiion of Jesus Christ-Paschal Mystery. As we prepare ourselves for the celebration of Pesaha few thoughts I would like to share.

Pesaha both in the context of old testament and new testament is a "An Act of Rememberance". In the context of Old Testament it is a rememberance of  how  Jahweh helped Jewish people to 'Passover' from the cluches of slavery in Egypt to the freedom of Kanan the land of prospirety. In the New Testament it is the rememberence of the Passover of humanity from the clutches of sin to the freedom of God's on Children. The center of attraction of the new Pesaha is the institution of the Holy Eucharist the Bread of Life. The institution is in the back ground of the Jewish Passover meal where Jesus offer himself in the place of bread and wine. Symbolically it was the fortaste of  his body to be broken down and the blood to be shed on the Cross during his sacrifice at Calvary.

Offering one's body and blood (life)  for the redemption of humanity is an act of unconditional love. This is the new commandment he is advocating his diciples (Jn 13/35; Jn15/12-13). The institution of Eucharist and the washing of disciples feet are acts  of his  Kenotic love which is unconditional.
Jesus has broken his body and shed his blood to give life to us. Institution of Eucharist is an act of unconditional love towards us. In every holy Eucharist we celebrtate, we remember the act of Jesus Kenotic love. It is the true love. This is the gift that Jesus can offer to you. The gift of live shared through the Eucharist is the greatest blessing one can receive from Jesus ( Jesus reminds this in Jn 10/10). By receving the holy Eucharist You are united with Jesus and his holiness.  You are raised to the position of Son and daughters of God. It is the Eucharist that helps you to maintain your status.

How do we respond to Eucharist?
How do we respond to the self emptying love of Jesus?
How do we respond to the needs of our brethren?

As Jesus offered himself for the humanity by breaking his body and sheding his blood there is an ultimate call for us to offer ourselves to break ourselves for the welbeing of our brethren to become a remeberence for others. This is the greatest challenge of Christian life. Shattering the self to be alturistic. Jesus exhorts us to offer our life as an offering to your brethern by breaking  selfishness  and self centeredness to become altuistic. Then you will be remembered. Mother Theresa is remembered of her offering to the poor and marginalised brethren of Calcutta. She emptied herself to become one among them. Sr. Rani Maria is remembered for offering her life for the poor and marginalized. Fr. Davis Chiramel is remembered for his  gift of life-through organ donation even at the cost of sufferings he has to bear. They all resemble Jesus in the act of love to the extend of giving themselves to others.

On this day as we celebrate the rememberence of the  institution of Eucharist Let us thank  Jesus for his wonderful gift -  Eucharist, the gift of his true love and life. Let us pledge to offer ourselves in our day to day activities  as a wonderful gift -gift of love even at the cost of our selfemptying-Kenosis

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