Relationship with Jesus is the core of Christian living. Liturgical season of Lent is the apt time to recollect about our relationship with Jesus and prepare ourselves for a renewal. In catholic tradition liturgical season of lent begins with Pethratha Nzhayar. The Syriac word Petratha has the meaning 'to return', 'to pass through', 'to finish' or 'to end'. The weeks of Great Fast is the season of looking back at one's own life and prepare for a real reconciliation with Jesus. The faithful has to reflect and meditate over the life, passion, death and burial of Jesus Christ. He must feel the loving care of Lord the Father who gives his own Son for fulfilling the promise of salvation, the self emptying sacrifice of the Son to redeem the humanity and the gift of the Holy Spirit. This must lead him to a total conversion (metanoia).
The Parable of the prodigal son (Lk.15/11-32) is a real model to experience the true repentance which is followed by reconciliation with God. The prodigal son leaves his father to live a life of his own enjoying all worldly pleasures. In course of time he loses all his assets and struggles for a living. In the midst of his sufferings he comes to his senses (LK 15/17). This is his awareness about his wretched situation. He longs to be with his father (LK 15/18 a). His conversion begins now. He examines his present situation which leads him to repentance (LK 15/18b). He understands his mistake and is prepared to confess before his Father. This brings a complete transformation in his life LK 15/18-19). This leads him to a total conversion (metanoia). It is this conversion that makes him to return to his loving father in humility to be reconciled with him.
Like the prodigal son we too are carried away by the whims and fancies of this world ending up in a broken relationship with loving God. Just as the prodigal son came into senses we too at some point of life should become aware of the loving God and His providential care. This should create a longing in our hearts to be united with Him. This should lead us to conversion examining our situation and feeling the compassion of the Lord (LK 15/7, 10). Repentance is the fruit of this examination where one understands his short comings and humbles himself before God (LK. 15/21). Here occurs the complete transformation from a estranged son of God (sinner) to the inherited son of God (LK. 15/22-2). Let is liturgical season of LENT help us to examine our lives in the light of Jesus self emptying love and his compassion to approach the sacrament of reconciliation with true repentance and humility. Let this help us to celebrate EASTER with a renewed heart.