Sunday, 30 September 2012

Faith Heals


As we prepare to celebrate the year of Faith let us meditate on the Gospel of Mathew chapter 15 verses 21 to 28. A Canaanite woman and her ardent faith in Jesus is the theme of this passage. Towards the end we see Jesus admiring her deep faith. As Jesus was passing through Tyre and Sidon (Mt 15:22) approaches Jesus. She request for Jesus’ mercy and pleads to heal her daughter possessed by a demon. But we see Jesus is not responding to her. He turns his face against her. No one expects such a behavior for Jesus. Even Jesus’ disciples feel sorry for her and beg for her. In spite these request we see Jesus being rude to her. He states that He has come for only Jewish people.  Even this is not disheartening her. She kneels before Jesus and seeks his help. Then we see Jesus justifying his attitude saying that it will not be fair to take children’s bread and through it to the dogs. This is the most insulting phase in the interaction. Usually no one will bear this. But here we see a logical argument from the Canaanite woman. It is some what like a tit for tat.  In Gospel we see many occasions where the Pharisees and Sadducees trying to corner Jesus. But they were not at all successful. But Canaanite women through his reply: “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table" perfectly corners Jesus. Jesus is now astonished by her deep faith and praises her and heals her daughter.

In this gospel passage we see the true faith in Jesus. She admits Jesus as son of David and pleads for the healing of her daughter. Even though Jesus neglects her pleading initially her continuous requests and the deep faith and hope in Jesus is answered towards the end. Gospel Luke chapter 11 verses 9 to 12 speak about the power of prayer. Actually the Canaanite woman does the same. She pleaded and it was given. She sought and she found; she knocked and it opened to her. The deep faith of the Canaanite woman is revealed before us.

 A reflection on this incident in the gospel will answer many of our situations. There are times when we feel that Jesus is not responding to our prayers even after a long time. We feel neglected and disheartened. Often it may affect the faith level of certain people. Here the only thing is to strengthen our belief. We have plead continuously just like the Canaanite woman. We have to put our hope and faith in Lord Jesus. As he has taught in the parable of the unjust Judge and the widow we have to beseech continuously. Monica the mother St. Augustine of Hippo pleaded for long 15 years for the conversion of his son. In the year of faith let us pay heed to the word of God which renews and reforms us to rediscover our faith in risen lord to be His witness.

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