Wednesday, 4 April 2018


 “You give them something to eat"
(Lk 9/13, Mk 6/37) 
In the outskirts of Bethsaida Jesus instructs His disciples to feed the multitude gathered around him to listen the word of God. They expressed their helplessness pointing out they have only five loaves of bread and two fish. However, Jesus feels that they must share what they have. On the onset we see Jesus taking the bread and fish and sharing it after blessing them. More than five thousand people ate and were satisfied.    

Jesus and his disciples experienced that sublime happiness while  feeding  the multitude.  Jesus exhorts that feeding the hungry and giving a drink to the thirsty is an act of charity. He reminds us "whatever you did (acts of charity)  for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’" (MT 25/ 40). When  we do such acts we experience a sublime happiness which nobody can snatch away from us.

People around the world are in search of happiness. They try different methods.. They spent a lot.. Some find happiness in amazing wealth, Some others find happiness in enjoying worldly pleasures, yet others find happiness in amassing power, positions and possessions. However, these hapiness are not everlasting it seems. That is what we leans from the day to day experiences. So what will give you a feeling of sublime happiness.

Yesterday after a long journey I was having my meals at the railway platform. I was sitting on a bench and was having a brisk meal. Though an old lady was sitting close to me I did not give much attention. After finishing the meal I was cleaning the bench that old lady looked at me and politely asked me to give something to drink. It was only then I looked at her. She was not a beggar. But someone who does not have enough money to afford a drink or a meal. I asked her whether she wanted something to eat. She readily said YES. I rushed to the nearby food counter and bought a meal packet and handed over to her. I just looked at her face and felt her happiness.

It was an eye opener to me. Though I have preached about sharing  meal and cited eventful  experiences shared by others. I have not done anything personally to experience that sublime happiness. Yes... yesterday I experienced that  SUBLIME HAPPINESS IN FEEDING THE NEEDY . I felt an inner joy... that was filling my heart. We may not be able to feed a hundred odd people around us. But at least I can feed one among them at least once. You will experience that happiness which is sublime. When we share a meal or a dinner with those who are in need you experience the real happiness rather than enjoying with your family members or friends in posh hotel... try  at least once in a while.

 Sublime happiness is the fruit of one's  sharing with the needy. It is not limited to food alone. In the context of last judgement (Mathew 25/ 31-46) Jesus exhorts  his disciples to take care of their  brethren in fulfilling their  basic needs by  sharing  what they have. However it should be out of one's  altruistic love and not out of force. But definitely one has to come out of self centeredness. Lord Jesus is inviting his disciples to experience that sublime happiness.

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