Monday, 11 November 2024

Confidence in Jesus - Theresian Model


Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation C’est la Confiance, dedicated to St. Thérèse of Lisieux, presents her unique spirituality as a path to holiness through simplicity, trust, and love. Thérèse’s "little way" emphasizes a childlike reliance on God's grace rather than self-reliance, which Pope Francis presents as essential for modern Christians. Through C’est la Confiance, Pope Francis invites believers to adopt Thérèse’s faith in God’s mercy, humble service, and unconditional love as the core of spiritual life. The acronym CONFIDENCE serves as a guide to the main themes of this exhortation, making it easier to remember and practice the messages within.

CONFIDENCE Acronym for Key Themes

  1. C - Childlike Trust in God
    Thérèse’s “little way” teaches the importance of childlike trust over self-reliance. Her spirituality celebrates simplicity and encourages a deep reliance on God, finding peace in knowing that one’s accomplishments are secondary to faith.
  2. O - Openness to God's Will
    Thérèse’s life exemplified a total openness to God’s plan. Despite challenges, her peaceful acceptance of God’s will serve as a model for releasing worry and embracing divine providence.
  3. N - No Dependence on Merits
    Thérèse highlighted that holiness doesn’t come from personal merit but from trust in God’s mercy. She famously presented herself to God “with empty hands,” relying on divine grace alone.
  4. F - Faith Through Trials
    Even amid spiritual darkness and doubt, Thérèse maintained her faith, identifying with those struggling to believe. Her resilience demonstrates the power of trust during life’s hardest moments.
  5. I - Invitation to Abandonment
    Pope Francis emphasizes Thérèse’s lesson of “holy abandonment.” By surrendering control to God, believers find liberation and peace, trusting that God’s plan will unfold perfectly.
  6. D - Dependence on Divine Love
    At the center of Thérèse’s spirituality is an unwavering reliance on God’s love. Her teachings affirm that all actions, whether big or small, are made holy through love.
    Sources: Catholic Bishops' Conference
  7. E - Embrace of Humility
    Humility is central to Thérèse’s approach, seeing holiness in simple acts of love. Pope Francis encourages us to find meaning and sanctity in everyday service to others.
    Sources: Catholic Bishops' Conference
  8. N - Nurturing the Church as Love
    Thérèse understood the Church as a community of love rather than triumph. Her vision promotes a compassionate, humble Church that prioritizes mercy over judgment.
  9. C - Confidence Beyond Fear
    Thérèse’s spirituality shows how confidence in God can relieve anxiety, inviting believers to replace fear with trust in God’s loving plan.
  10. E - Endurance of Love in Darkness
    Thérèse’s ultimate lesson is that “only love counts.” This message encourages the Church and each believer to keep love at the core, even during life’s darkest trials.


Pope Francis’ C’est la Confiance invites Christians to embrace the spiritual simplicity and unwavering trust of St. Thérèse. Her “little way” is a path accessible to all, characterized by humility, faith, and love. Through the CONFIDENCE acronym, Pope Francis underscores that holiness is not found in grand gestures but in a life of trusting surrender and compassionate love for others. C’est la Confiance ultimately reminds us that, in the end, “only love counts.”

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