Abstract: The core of Christian Spirituality is to have a deep rooted love relationship with Jesus. Art of Christian living-Christian Spirituality begins with a knowledge in Christ. Knowledge of Jesus Christ must challege us to follow Him. True experience with Jesus is the fruit of this close flowing. Thrilled with the Jesus experience one shares and bear witness to Jesus. Jesus invites all his disciples to experience Him and bear witness to Him'
The core of Christian spirituality is the love relationship with Jesus. As we know the growth in relationship with a person occurs through a series of steps. Once we are introduced to a new person, we try to learn about his whereabouts by interacting with him and his friends we know. As we learn more about him we may begin to appreciate some of his words and deeds. Later on we will experience this person more in our heart and we will begin to follow some of his values and practices. Once we are closely knit we share our experiences with this person to more friends and the relationship is further strengthened. Slowly this relation may turn up to a lifelong friendship. In the similar way our relationship with Jesus also should bloom up to an everlasting friendship. St. John in his Gospel (Jn. 1: 35-42) depicts the interaction between Jesus and some of his first disciples. Here John the Baptist introduces Jesus to two of his disciples as Jesus passes by. Both of them follow Jesus and experience HIM by being with HIM. They are thrilled by their experiences with Jesus. They come back and share their experiences. Andrew, one among the two shares his experience with Jesus to his brother Simon and takes him to Jesus.
The introduction of first disciples with Jesus, their interaction and experience with Jesus followed by their sharing with their friends and relatives about Jesus is a very good model to understand the growth of relationship in Jesus in the life of every Christian disciple. A Christian disciple should Know Jesus, Follow Jesus, Experience Jesus, Share Jesus and finally must bear Witness to Jesus through his life. This is the art of Christian Living- in fact the art of Christian spirituality. Knowledge about Jesus is the first step in the art of Christian living. Knowledge of Jesus must challenge one to closely follow Him. A disciple starts to appreciate the exhortations and preaching of Jesus and show eagerness to follow Him. The close following with Jesus binds his relationship with Jesus through daily encounters with Him. At this level one’s knowledge about Jesus transforms to a deep rooted experience with Jesus. Once this level is reached a disciple will experience the loving relationship and intimacy with Jesus in his heart. He then shares his ’Jesus experience’ with others. He bears witness to Jesus through his presence, words and deeds.
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